Eliminate Excess Fat with Ultrasonic-Assisted Lipectomy

Eliminate Excess Fat with Ultrasonic-Assisted Lipectomy
January 31st, 2017 by Tal Roudner

Lipectomy, or liposuction, is a cosmetic procedure conducted to remove excess fatty tissue deposited under the skin. There are various different types of lipectomy procedures, but their common aim is to address the targeted area and give it a brand-new look by contouring away stubborn fat.

This procedure is typically recommended to people who are unable to lose or burn fat deposits in certain areas of their body, like the buttocks, thighs, hips, and abdomen. Despite regular exercise and dieting, they are unable to get rid of these stubborn fatty deposits, leading to them feeling insecure and unhappy about their appearance. This common concern can be easily addressed with lipectomy and can give people a whole new figure and increased confidence.

Who Is Eligible for Lipectomy?

People who are unhappy with excess body fat and who believe their body structure has poor proportions are ideal candidates for a lipectomy. It is a good option for people who are looking to move towards a healthier and more active lifestyle and are willing to take transformative steps to get there.

It is important to remember that this is not a weight-loss procedure. Instead, it is a method of removing excess fatty tissue to contour the body. Thus, it is best to be at or near your ideal weight before coming in for this procedure.

What Is Ultrasonic-Assisted Lipectomy?

The ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy procedure, or UAL, is a rather recent development in the field of lipectomy. It involves the use of ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat tissue. The ultrasonic waves cause the fat tissue to become emulsified. When the fat cells are liquefied, they are much easier to remove than when they are solid. Removal is conducted using suction through a hollow tube known as a cannula.

Because the surgeon will not need to use force to dislodge stubborn fat cells, it makes the procedure much easier to perform. Ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy is a shorter procedure than the traditional suction lipectomy procedure.

Avoiding a great deal of force reduces the amount of tissue damage, and this means that ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy is known to result in the development of fewer side effects such as bleeding. The recovery time is often shorter than that of traditional liposuction.

Ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy is gentler and more precise, allowing the surgeon to remove larger amounts of fat and in harder-to-reach areas such as the lower back. It makes fat removal from the male breasts easier, since tough fibrous tissue is present.

Contact Our Office to Learn More

Lipectomy, especially ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy, is an effective procedure to remove unnecessary stubborn deposits of fat. To find out if you qualify for this procedure, contact the office of Dr. Tal Roudner, a skilled double-board-certified plastic surgeon, and arrange your UAL consultation.

During your consultation with Dr. Roudner, you will be able to ask any questions you may have regarding the ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy process, the recovery period, and the steps necessary to prepare for the procedure. You will also be able to view before and after photos and discuss your aesthetic goals with Dr. Roudner.

Tal Roudner Plastic Surgery